February looks to be prime time for trophies at Pyramid Lake

J.D. Richey of Richey's Guide Service with a quality Pyramid Lake cutty.


SUTCLIFFE – After heavy snow storms at the end of December, Pyramid Lake is rounding in shape at right time for big, bruising Lahontan cutthroat trout. The coming months should
provide some of the best action of the year for trophy cutthroats, and if the past few weeks are any indication, we are in for a wild ride in the next few months. The high pressure system has limited shore action, but boaters are finding great action in the meantime.
J.D. Richey of Richey’s Sport Fishing has been enjoying his 26-foot vessel with huge deck and heated cabin in the cold temperatures, and he was out at the end of last week through the weekend for great action for Pilot Peak-strain Lahontan cutthroats to 16 pounds. He said, “We have been trolling Yakima’s Mag Lips most of the time, and I took Zack Gordon of Tahoe Sport Fishing out last week for a number of big trout from 6 to 16 pounds. Gordon had never been to Pyramid before, and we picked the perfect day since it was calm. There was a little east wind the following day with Mike Nielsen of Tahoe Topliners, but we were still able to find quality fish. The months of February and March are projected to be outstanding at Pyramid.”

Tony Marotta of Mountain Hardware in Truckee was on the lake on Saturday, and he said, “After a great trip last week, I only received one bite with no one on the shoreline landing any fish that I saw. The high pressure systems really push the fish out into deeper water, and it will take some stormy weather to track them closer to the shorelines.”

Miles Zimmerman of Trout Creek Outfitters in Truckee said, “The bite here remains a little tough during the sunny days, which results in the larger fish moving around at this time of year. During days with bright sun and minimal wind, the fish will be just out of reach for shore anglers. Using streamers can help your odds in these conditions, and we recommend putting in some time with your sinking lines during the low light hours. You are able to fish an hour before sunrise and an hour after sunset, and these times can be the best bet at finding big fish cruising in the shallows. The bite remains more consistent along the southern beaches right now, although the fish seem to be smaller. For a better shot at numbers, try beaches like Popcorn, Blockhouse, or Sandhole, but if you are hunting for bigger fish, we suggest beaches like Warrior Point, Spider Point, or Pelican. It’s not a ‘numbers’ game right now and landing any more than 3 fish should be considered a successful day. And of course, when a small fish is 5 pounds, there isn’t much of a reason to complain. Always bring your A-Game up here and use heavy tippet in the 12- to 15-pound class, make sure your flies are tied onto strong hooks, and most importantly, pay attention to make sure every cast counts as that 30-pound trophy is just a cast away. February is arguably the best month for your shot at that record fish so check the extended forecast and try planning your trip here over the next few weeks, ideally during a storm system.”
