Knee Deep: Non-anglers dive in to solve the case of the three dead trout



I’m in one of those what’s-going-on-in-the-neighborhood groups on Facebook, but I all I really do in there is make fun of everyone freaking out about parking and traffic every time a new business of any kind pops up. Recently, I stopped scrolling when I saw a photo of three dead trout in a planter next to the sidewalk, and the post read, “Took my dog for a walk this morning. Who would leave three fish on the side if a street in our neighborhood?”

I knew this one was going to draw a lot of comment gold, so I went all in. There were over 200 comments total (before it was closed to commenting) and along with about 27 dad jokes centered around “this seems fishy” and as many more explaining the merits of dead fish as a fertilizer, there were some great ones from the non-fishing crowd.

Here are some highlights (in bold) followed by my smart-assery.



Maybe they got picked up by the wind.

  • Who said Mother Nature doesn’t have a sense of humor?

Maybe they have been poisoned for strays and coyotes.

  • I mean, who can poison “strays and coyotes” without trout?

It was raining fish and dogs last night.

-I’ll allow it…only because it actually had been raining.

Voodoo curse? Someone is hexing someone. Bad juju for sure.

-OK, now we are getting somewhere.

Birds dropped their catch?

  • I immediately pictured an eagle with a trout in each talon and one in its mouth feeling like the lord of the skies before making the disastrous fumble.

The rain was pretty bad yesterday.

  • Rain was a recurring theme across the board. I’m not sure how rain = dead fish in town, yet here we are.

Instead of taking pictures, take them back to the water.

-There’s still time to catch-and-release here! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?

I saw this too when I walked my dog. I posted it on the city app so someone from the city can remove it.

  • Local government officials definitely need to get involved in cleanup here.

Fish migrate just like birds, I’m sure they are just taking a break to rest their fins as they make their way back to Canada for the summer. Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

                  –Shockingly, I was not the commenter that posted that one. Well played.

There’s so many unanswered questions. This is very concerning!

  • It’s not that deep, Margaret. Go back to your chemtrails.

That’s so messed up, probably stolen from a pond in a home or business.

                  -Backyard or workplace trout? LUCKYYYYYY!


Saving the best for last, this commenter drew from none other than artificial intelligence to solve the case.


The symbolism of three dead fish can vary depending on the cultural, spiritual, and personal context. Here are some possible interpretations:

General Symbolism of Dead Fish

  • Loss or Misfortune – Dead fish often represent loss, failure, or something coming to an end.
  • Emotional or Spiritual Stagnation – Water symbolizes emotions and the subconscious. Dead fish may indicate emotional exhaustion, spiritual depletion, or a lack of growth.
  • Warning or Omen – In some traditions, dead animals symbolize a warning to pay attention to something being neglected.

Possible Interpretations

  • A warning about an unhealthy situation (relationships, career, health, or emotions).
  • A message of transformation—the end of something to make way for something new.
  • A spiritual sign to pay attention to emotional or subconscious issues



Where’s my bourbon?
