Yo-yo yellows kick off at Coronados
SAN DIEGO — The American Angler out of Point Loma Sportfish- ing fished a 1.5-day over the weekend and went looking for their first big bluefin of 2021 — and they got it! They found good sign in cool waters and stopped on two good spots of fish. One stuck with the boat and angler Joe Ferris hooked and landed the 125 pounder.
The famous long ranger has a series of the shorter trips already scheduled and will schedule more as the season gets going.
From H&M Landing, the Old Glory made the run down the beach on their 1.5-dayer and saw several schools of bluefin but none stopped and stuck. Later in the day, their 9 anglers would tie into yellowtail and boat 21 of them.
Capt. Kley posted, “We returned this morning from another adventurous trip. We ran down the beach looking for bluefin tuna and yellowtail. In the morning we were seeing some nice schools of bluefin but we never got any takers. Luckily, later in the day we managed to find some nice yellowtail to play with. We ended the day with 21 yellowtail for 10 people. Everyone had a chance at a few nice fish. There is plenty of sign, we just need a little weather window and these fish should snap.”
Out at the Coronado Islands, the boat San Diego from Seaforth Sportfishing found biters! The 34 fishing Sunday succeeded with 47 of the 12- to 20- pound ‘tails.
Capt. Ryan Bostian said the go-to setup was a 40-pound stick and either the full-sized or Jr.-sized jigs were effective but the full-sized versions had the edge on Sunday.
Those anglers padded their catch with 80 rockfish and 20 whitefish. The stops came as sonar fish, so anglers should be ready for the deep drop with the iron.
Local fishing aboard the half-day boats centered up solidly on the deeper reefs, garnering an- glers mostly rockfish, some sculpin, an occasional sheephead, lingcod or even sand bass.
Stand-out scores included rockfish limits for 11 anglers Fri- day aboard the Premier, plus 3 sculpin and a sand bass.