Fish there for Moss Landing and Monterey boats

Good fishing, big fish and tangled lines.


Partyboats found stacks of hungry fish, however very strong currents tangled lines, slowing the overall catch counts for Monterey and Moss Landing boats. Shore fishing was solid for surfperch in Monterey and along most sandy beaches northward. Rocky shores to the south held rockfish and cabezon.

Big Vermillions
BIG VERMILLIONS ARE being caught south of Moss Landing on the Kahuna long range trips, and that’s where Juan Figueroa of Stockton caught this pair using a blue/chrome 10-ounce bar and a teaser. One of them was 8.5 pounds!

Kahuna ran a trip from Moss Landing and put some fish onboard, even with a ripping current. Capt. Carol Jones at Kahuna Sportfishing said, “We had a Point Sur trip that we managed to get out. Capt. Brian started fishing deeper areas of the reef, but the current was steaming uphill and there were too many bad tangles with 24 anglers on the boat. Fishing was good and quality good there, but they had to move into shallower water. Fishing was a little tougher in 150 to 180 feet, but the anglers did well. Some had limits others fell short, but all went home with some nice fresh rockfish to share with family and friends.” Calmer currents, away from the full moon cycle, should make for stellar fishing on Kahuna’s next trip out.

J&M Sportfishing and Chris’ Sportfishing had boats out working rockfish, lingcod and crab. Even at local spots near Monterey, strong full moon currents caused more than the usual number of line tangles, but hardworking crew members aboard Chubasco, Checkmate and other well-known boats dealt quickly with tangles and people kept catching fish. On trips when the weather and seas allowed trips down the coast towards Point Sur, conditions were similar, but the average fish weighed more, making people smile.

Shore fishing was a viable option in either direction from town. Tioga Street in Monterey had people fishing for and catching barred surfperch. Beaches between Seaside and Moss Landing all held good populations of perch, so beach zones near parking areas saw the greatest action. When the beach break wasn’t bad, people were able to catch cabezon and rockfish at rocky access points near pacific Grove and points southward.

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