Fishing from float tubes no longer allowed at SARL

RICK KIZZEE with a monster cat from SARL in 2023.


SANTA ANA— Sunday (August 11) marked the last day of float tubing and kayak fishing at Santa Ana River Lakes (SARL). Now, other than fishing from shore, an angler’s only option is to rent a boat at SARL.

While it could not be officially confirmed by press time, the consensus of the bulk of the chatter suggests it was time to re-up the insurance policy and the insurer did not want to re-new as long as float tubes and kayaks were allowed at SARL. What was confirmed was that Sunday was the last day to take part in those activities at SARL.

Additionally, the following message was also posted by management at SARL:


Huckleberry Kids Pond is closed for 2 to 3 weeks due to maintenance and repairs. It will re-open by Saturday, August 31. Check back for updates.

Catfish action as well as the tilapia bite remain solid at SARL thanks to consistent stocking. Most of the whiskerfish are channel cats from pan-size to those flirting with double digits, but there was a 54-pound blue catfish caught and released back on August 3.
