Grunion open for business


Following the seasonal closure from April 1 to June 30 to protect peak spawning, take of California grunion reopens July 1. During the open season, a California sport fishing license (and an Ocean Enhancement Validation south of Pt. Arguello, Santa Barbara County) is required for persons 16 years and older. Grunion may be taken by hand only. No holes may be dug in the beach to entrap them. The daily bag and possession limit for grunion is 30 fish. Check the locations of marine protected areas and their associated regulations before you head out. Learn more at

California grunion are primarily taken in southern California. Most fishers target California grunion at night when they beach themselves during the spawning runs. Recent data suggest the California grunion population may be expanding northward as more frequent spawning runs are occurring north of Point Conception.

California grunion may only be caught by hand, no appliances can be used, and no hole can be dug to entrap them. Fishers who target California grunion wait for them to beach themselves during their spawning runs, and then collect them off the beach with their hands. California grunion has a bag and possession limit of 30 grunion per person.
