Stocker trout season hits East Bay

Juaquin Guttierez with a first of the season Los Vaqueros trout limit! WON photo provided by Juaquin Guttierez.

San Pablo, Los Vaqueros, Chabot, Del Valle, Quarry and Shadow Cliffs trout plants begin, Temescal and Contra Loma up next


ALAMEDA COUNTY– Anglers saw the first trout of the season with a 1,200-pound plant at San Pablo, 2,000 pounds at Los Vaqueros and 1,000-pound plants at Lake Del Valle, Shadow Cliffs, Chabot and Quarry. Plants at Lake Temescal and Contra Loma should begin this week.



San Pablo planted on October 19, and 95 kids participated in the annual Family Day. Marcie Shoemaker, the concession manager, reported that 1,200 pounds of fish were planted inside the net and the kids were allowed an early shot at the biggest fish before the adults were allowed in on the action. This was followed by a 1,000-pound Department of Fish and Wildlife plant. Shoreline anglers should see the best action in the cove adjacent to the ramp, the shoreline near the main parking lot and out as far as the Pines picnic area. Boat anglers may want to concentrate along the buoy line just off the ramp and deeper holes off the mouth of Scow Canyon. The lake will close for approximately two months starting November 11.

Los Vaqueros planted 2,000-pounds of trout, action at the mouth of South Cove was as good as ever. The South Cove  is always a great place to start, especially early in the season. Water conditions are very good and as more plants are made, and the fish spread out, shoreline action should pick up from the cove to the marina and off the docks. Los Vaqueros plants should occur about every two weeks from now until spring.

Ed Culver, the East Bay Regional Parks District Fisheries Biologist and Joe Sullivan, the Parks District Fisheries Manager, announced that over 40 thousand pounds of Mt. Lassen rainbows will be delivered to the East Bay Regional Parks lakes through December! Sullivan also reported that due to the delayed start, upcoming plants will be more frequent, and loads may be heavier.

Shadow Cliffs was the most productive of the East Bay Regional Parks lakes. There was a Department of Fish and Wildlife plant mid-week and was followed by a Lassen plant. Surprisingly enough, it was the DFW’s that were most active. This plant held some larger fish, they spread quickly throughout the lake shallows and action was fair from the tube, past the swim beach and around the cove. The Lassen plant held some larger fish, but the fish were a bit sluggish. Still, there were several fish taken to 6-pounds. The fish were holding close to the shoreline but may move deeper as the week progresses. Despite the double plant, limits were light. The water conditions are very good with some weeds along the shoreline and there is now a “NO FISHING” area around the tube to allowing the fish to spread out into the main lake and give anglers who can’t fish mid-week a weekend shot at the action.

Lake Chabot received 1,000 pounds of Lassens but action was mixed. The dock adjacent to the marina and closest to the tube, will be closed for 24 hours following each plant. It makes it a bit tougher to get in on the early bite, but the cove adjacent to the dock and the shoreline across the bay should offer plenty of early action before the fish spread out into the main lake.

Quarry Lakes. Horseshoe Lake received a 1,000 plant of Lassens but action was mixed. The fish held in the area closest to the tube for a couple days but should have moved over to the cove and along fisherman’s row. Conditions are mixed with lower water, and it could be tough for bait anglers until things cool a bit.

Lake Del Valle received 1,000 pounds of Lassens, but the action was tough. The lake is low, and the fish moved quickly into deeper water. The East Swim Beach from the tulles to the ramp is unfishable. The area past the ramp and beyond the narrows has plenty of shoreline and should be a good bet for bait fishermen. There have been some decent largemouth taken and the occasional striper. Striper action for some of the larger fish should pick up with the trout plants. Small mouth action should still be good trolling along the rock wall.

The plants have just started so the density of fish per lake is low. It can be frustrating during the early season but given the rapidly cooling temperatures and the heavy plants to come, action should be very good, very soon!

