The right-time for Prime Time: Cabo Tuna Jackpot veterans finish on top



CABO SAN LUCAS— The offshore waters around Cabo San Lucas once again set an idyllic stage for the Western Outdoor News Cabo Tuna Jackpot (CTJ) which played host to 132 teams who were all chasing a chunk of the event’s $1.3 million-plus total payout. There was some wind in the forecast, but the majority of the teams taking part in the 2024 installment of the world’s richest tuna tournament said it was not an issue.

When the sun set on the final day of fishing, long-time CTJ competitor, Prime Time, finally earned their spot “on the t-shirt” after being named champions in 2024. Finishing in the top spot earned Prime Time a base payout of $55,250, but that barely scratched the surface as far as what the team won after factoring in what they piled up for being entered into all the tuna optionals. In total, Prime Time was handed a check for $520,150 to split amongst themselves.


Prime Time’s anglers included Randy Davis, Mark Benedetti, George Davis, Mark Huff, crewman Rudy Morgan and Captain Sean Oates. The core group started fishing tournaments nine years ago, and the CTJ was the first they competed in. Randy Davis recently connected with Western Outdoor News to reflect on the team’s big win.

“We were slow-trolling with bait 30 to 40 miles out on the Pacific side,” he said. “My brother started (fighting the fish) and he wanted me to take over. I think it took us about an hour and a half. We all feel very lucky to win this tournament.”

Prime Time’s 220.3-pound yellowfin weighed in on Day 1 that would up holding off the rest of the field marked only the third time the team has ever weighed a fish in the CTJ. The team consisted of the same four anglers they started with nearly a decade ago, and Randy Davis gave a lot of credit to his Orange County-based Captain, Sean Oates, and crewman Randy Morgan of Los Angeles who stays with the Viking 90 “wherever it goes.”

Davis also gave credit to the local crew members he had on the team, “Gonzalo” who fished with them in their first couple tourneys before doing his own thing for a while. He has a couple CTJ wins on his resume’, and Prime Time was able to not only reconnect with him to help seal the deal this year, but he has also committed to fishing with them next year. Gonzalo also brought along deckhand “Adrian,” who happens to be the son of this year’s “Local Legend,” Modesto Miranda Peralta, for even more local magic.

“Gonzalo is usually fishing every day, and he brought Adrian who was great, too,” said Davis. “You can’t beat that local knowledge.”

Prime Time also lost an estimated 300 pounder that blew up under a kite as well as a yellowfin larger than the winning fish when the leader broke with the fish right under the boat.

“Fishing is the best it’s ever been down there,” said Davis. “We already sent the entry (For next year) in because we want the same team number. We will be all in for next year for sure.”

Second place overall went to team Let’s Go who weighed in a 209.95-pound yellowfin, and Love and Luck’s 203.55-pound tuna was good enough for third. Let’s Go picked up a whopping total of $471,400 for sweeping the tuna optionals in Day 2 in addition to the strong-overall finish.

While “tuna” puts the “T” in CTJ, they aren’t the only species that can result in a hefty payday. In the daily Dorado Optionals, Senor Hogs and Encantada picked up $40,400 each for dodos of 32.2 and 26.35 pounds ($1,000 optional in Day 1 and 2). In the $3,000 Dorado Optional, a pair of $37,200 checks went to TCB and Negotiator for their 23.35- and 24.9-pound fish brought to the scale on Day 1 and 2.

Team Negotiator in particular wasn’t done there, as they grabbed another $39,600 in the Day 2 $3,000 Wahoo Optional bringing their CTJ total to $76,800. According to tournament officials, that was the only time a team has earned an optional payout with two different species. Tinman not only scored $39,600 of their own in that category, but also in the $1,000 optional that day which paid out another $40,800 bringing their total to $80,400. Point Roberts Pirate’s plundered $40,800 in the $1,000 Wahoo Optional on Day 2 after weighing in the biggest ‘hoo if the event at 70.15 pounds.

The dates for next year’s WON Cabo Tuna Jackpot are November 5-8. Keep tabs on for updates.

