WON trip to Loreto delivers from top to bottom, yellowtail and big cabrilla highlight fishing



LORETO, B.C.S. —There’s nothing like waking up to a sunrise cresting over Isla Carmen in beautiful Loreto, B.C.S. Mexico. Well maybe there is when you can walk across the street from the elegant Hotel La Misión de Loreto and jump in a panga to pull on some big yellowtail and cabrilla.

TOMMY SALCIDO can check roosterfish off his bucket list. WON PHOTO BY BRAD WILSON

Running pangas out of the harbor in Loreto can be a bit chilly during the month of December, but that didn’t stop the fun group of guys who joined me on yet another action-packed fishing trip in Loreto. The first day presented us with a little chop on the water as we headed north in search of yellowtail. It didn’t take long before each WON panga was bit and landeing a variety of solid yellowtail and cabrilla. We made it back in for dinner, and we ate at the famous Augie’s Bar and Bait shop. If you are looking for a cold drink, great food, and a view, Augie’s is the place to be.

MIKE AMAR with a nice-grade yellowtail.. WON PHOTO BY BRAD WILSON

The next day was a little more of the same weather with winds blowing from the north so we decided to go around the backside of Isla Carmen and try our luck in about deeper water and see what we can pull up. The fishing was better than day one with quality cabrilla to go around, and a few large yellowtail mixed in. As the wind picked up, one of the pangas decided to head into the shallows for sierra and roosterfish. We were fortunate enough to each land and release a roosterfish and check that off the bucket list. Dinner was a treat while one of our guests (Mike Amar) prepared excellent sushi with some of the fish that was caught in the morning.

GABE SOLORIO with a quality cabrilla. WON PHOTO BY BRAD WILSON

The final day presented us with the best weather and the best fishing for the trip. Just like on the first day, we ran north and stopped about halfway to our day one spot. The fish wanted to eat, and we proceeded to land nice fish after nice fish. It was steady action for the better part of the morning with fishing biting the mackerel and Flat-Fall jigs.

Loreto always offers something special whether it’s fishing, or the beauty of the town itself, but it needs to be added to your list of places to visit. Please reach out to Kathy Hunter (liveloreto.com) as she will be happy to host you and your group during any month of the year.


