South Saltwater Fish Report

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SNOWY GROUPER on the Coral Sea.

UPDATED: March 15, 2025

LONG BEACH/SAN PEDRO — Sculpin limits the story here too for the local ½-day anglers. The mix also includes some whitefish and dabs but for anglers going out deep for the big dab scores on the Ahra Ahn out of Long Beach Sportfishing they scored 2,340 dabs for 23 anglers. Not much of a bass bite in the green/brown cold water but some decent halibut catches continued to come in, drifting live sardines or anchovies (or squid?).

ORANGE COUNTY — Here’s the Capt. Brian Woolley report from Dana Wharf Sportfishing: “It was a weather week for sure with boats at the dock a few days. The days we were out we had some challenging conditions. Water temps dipped to mid 50°s and it was mixed up a bit and dirty. With that , the 1/2 day bass fishing was a bit slower. No real surface flyline action. The sinker setups like sliding egg sinkers or reverse dropper loops were what caught the bass this week. The whitefish and sculpin bit a little as well with the cool water. Some nice sheephead were caught as well for the 1/2 day guys that were using shrimp. 3/4 day trips are still fishing down off Camp Pendleton targeting sculpin. Still some good catching to be had on them. We’re seeing mixes sand dabs and whitefish as well. The same funky conditions the in the 1/2 day zone were also on the inside

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