Great Carp Round-Up at Lake Hemet underway through October 13

THE GREAT CARP ROUND-UP at Lake Hemet incentivizes anglers to remove as many carp as possible from the lake over an 11-week period. CODY EMMERICK PHOTO


MOUNTAIN CENTER— In an effort to manage the invasive and destructive carp population, management at Lake Hemet launched The Great Carp Round-Up on Sunday, August 4. The goal is to rid the lake of at least 5,000 pounds of carp.

This event runs every Sunday from August 4 through October 13 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and along with the fact that whacking carp is a great time on the water, participating anglers are incentivized with weekly prizes.

On the first Sunday of The Great Carp Roundup, 597 pounds of carp (131 total fish) were piled up. The top team bagged 31 carp, second place bagged 19 and third place caught 17 of them. In Week 2 (August 11), another 155 carp were removed totaling 697 pounds and bringing the overall total to 1,294 pounds toward the season goal.


There is no additional fee to participate, just the regular day use fee of $25 per vehicle, and a fishing license is required. It is open to anglers of all ages, and the event takes place in an area where there are large concentrations of carp. Special permission is being given to bowfishermen, but their bows need to be inspected and used in a designated area.

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