Playing the waiting game at Pyramid

A beautiful Pyramid Lake Lahontan cutthroat trout. Catching one next season might cost anglers 150% more.

Steep fishing and camping permit fee increases under consideration

SUTCLIFFE – The west’s premier Lahontan cutthroat trout water, Pyramid Lake, was closed by the Pyramid Lake Paiute tribe shortly after the start of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s been shuttered to visitors ever since, with Oct. 21 often bandied about as a target reopening date.

Robert Hagerty of Pyramid Fly Co. has been watching the situation attentively as Oct. 21 approaches, and he said the tribe has not made a decision on when to reopen. “We’re hoping for Nov. 1 or earlier but that all depends on how they proceed to deal with COVID. There’s a lot of talk of various dates the lake will open but until we hear it firsthand from the tribes it’s just talk,” he said.

In the interim, the tribe is considering a proposed rate increase of 150% for fishing and camping permits. If adopted, the daily fishing permit would cost would rise from $12 a day to $30. Three days of fishing would be $77.50. A daily boating permit would cost $32.50, and overnight camping would cost $40 for 1-day permit.
