WON-Channel Islands Shootout 2023 results

LANDON THOMAS of Western Outdoor News displays the 2023 Channel Islands Shootout winning white seabass taken by 15-year-old, Jessie “the kid” Baker.


VENTURA — The 2023 Western Outdoor News Channel Islands Shootout got off the docks under perfect weather and both boats, Island Spirit and Pacific Eagle, headed to Anacapa to start the day. Feeling their way around the island the two dedicated skippers worked the boats over to Santa Cruz Island with some amazing results.

The 55-competing anglers found plenty of action on log-sized barracuda and sizable halibut. But one lucky angler caught his fish of a lifetime with a 28.2-pound white seabass, sweeping away the competition.



First Place Island Spirit Jessie “the kid” Baker 28.2-pound white seabass

Prize: $280 cash, Filet knife, Berkley Chrome Visor, Plano Jig Wrap

Second Place Pacific Eagle Jim Whilborg 12.8-pound halibut

Prize: $ 190 cash, Filet knife, Berkley Chrome Visor

Third Place Island Spirit Manuel Ballesteros 11.7-pound halibut

Prize $80 cash, Filet knife, Berkley Chrome Visor

To read about all the action and find out what was working for the lucky winning anglers, check back here next week for the full story of the 2023 Western Outdoor News Channel Islands Shootout.

