Yuma stands as the dove hunting epicenter


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YUMA- Ariz. — Every year, dove hunting season brings in thousands of hunters who are eager to reach bag limits, attend barbeques, gear up at Sprague’s Sports and enjoy all that Yuma has to offer. This year is no different and as we approach September those folks who are headed for Yuma will be in for a weekend full of events.


What happens when?


– This season kicks off with a pre-season shoot at the Yuma Trap & Skeet Club on August 29 at 7:00 a.m. This annual dove-pre-season shoot is open to all shooters and families are always welcome. The pre-season shoot takes place at Adair Park Trap and Skeet range. The cost is $5 with $15 prizes up for grabs.


– September 1 – 2 brings the Sprague’s Sports Big Breast contest with over $2,000 in prices; no entry fees or pre-registration required. Stop by Sprague’s with your largest mourning or white-winged dove, cleaned with one wing attached, at any time on the Sept. 1 or until noon on the Sept. 2.


– The Clint Curry Memorial Youth Dove Hunt, put on by the Yuma Valley Rod & Gun Club, takes place in Dome Valley from 5 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 4.


– Second-Annual Dove Hunt and Cook-off will take place on Saturday, September 4 after the hunt at Sprague’s Sports.


– Mike Mitchell Memorial Dove Hunter’s BBQ Dinner, put on by the Yuma Valley Rod & Gun Club, is Saturday September 4 at the new Four Points Sheraton.


– The event that everyone has in their sights is the Yuma Catholic High School 175-gun raffle with over $90k in prizes. September 5 is the early bird drawing with 25 guns up for grabs and the best part, your tickets go back in for the main raffle on October 9 when 150 more guns, six grand prizes and two golden tickets are drawn.


Yuma locals and businesses are ready to welcome hunters from all around. Many restaurants are offering; you shoot, we clean and cook; and our hotels set up cleaning stations and grills for all your dove cleaning needs. Don’t forget to make your reservations for next dove hunting season as our hotels often sell out quickly. Sprague’s Sports is ready with pallets of shot shells and a storewide gun sale, so you are ready for the season opener. Visit Spragues.com to see what they are carrying, have on sale, or to get information on this year’s hunt.

Looking for more information on all things Yuma, check our VisitYuma.com and for all your dove hunting needs visit YumaDoveHunting.com.

