Scott with his final catch to be the first winner!
Cori with a Bonito
Cori with a yellowtail
Alex Plambeck with a Bonito
Alex with a Halibut
Alex with a sheephead
Alex with Barracuda
Alex with Calico
Alex with rockfish, his 6th submission!
2023 Submissions:
Week One 2023 Halibut Winner Paul Fanning!
Week Two Niel Barbour Yellowtail
Week 2 Shane Wrightson 151.4 lb bluefin
Week 2 Bluefin Matt White 132 pounds
Week 3 Shane with a 115 Bluefin
Week 4 tuna entry Cori Husband takes the lead in tuna!
Week 7 Winner Will Birdo with a 167 pound bluefin
Lingcod Winner Shane Wrightson with a 17.3 pounder in week 9
Scott with the week 9 Halibut winner
Scott with a week 10 submission that is just shy of winning overall
Andrew Amenta with the 25.9 pound Halibut caught in week 10 to win it. Virg’s Landing could not locate the weigh board, but we allowed them to print it and the landing confirmed this catch.