February winner for WON Readers’ Writing Contest announced

DAVID SUMETHASORN is February’s winner of the Western Out- door News Readers’ Writing Contest, earning him a Penn Fathom 25 2-speed lever drag reel and an opportunity to write future stories for WON. The contest only runs through March 31, so be sure to get your entry in by sending us your story and photos by that date to editors@wonews.com with “Writing Contest” in the subject line.

David Sumethasorn’s ‘Heck of an Australian adventure’ submission earns contest’s second of three Penn Fathom 25 2-speed lever drag reels

SAN CLEMENTE – Western Outdoor News readers have responded in a big way to our second annual WON Readers’ Writing Contest, as we’ve now received no fewer than 40 submissions since it kicked off with the start of the New Year. While that’s made it a little tougher for us here at WON Editorial headquarters in choosing our monthly winners, we’ve certainly had a great time reading all of your fun and interesting stories about the great outdoors, and at this point, we’re thinking the contest may just be here to stay permanently going forward.

But for now it’s time to make our selection for the contest’s February winner, and after much deliberation we opted for David Sumethasorn’s “Heck of an Australian adventure” (March 5 issue, page 20) for both its uniqueness and the story of quite the intercontinental adventure. Just check it out for yourself — at the very least you’ll find out just exactly what a mulloway is…

Sumethasorn will be receiving the second of three Penn Fathom 25 2-speed lever drag reels for his efforts, along with having opportunities to publish future stories in WON should he so choose to do so. You too have that same opportunity to win with WON in the final leg of our three-month writing contest, but time is quickly running out.


So break out that laptop and write us up your favorite fishing or hunting story, break down your tried-and-true top fishing techniques/tactics, or vividly describe your all-time-favorite destination adventure and be sure to send it to us by March 31 to qualify. Send us your story in approximately 600-1,000 words (give or take) along with 1-4 good photos to editors@wonews. com with “Writing Contest” in the subject line. Don’t miss your shot at winning the third and final Penn Fathom along with having future opportunities to contribute to WON.

We look forward to reading more of your best stories from the great outdoors in the coming weeks ahead.
