Eastern Sierra Fish Report
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Updated Feb. 14, 2025
BRIDGEPORT AREA WATERS— It’s cold in the Bridgeport area and storms are predicted, so check conditions before heading out. Few reports from the West Walker with most reporting that the best fishing has been further north near the town of Walker. Winter waters open to fishing include the West Walker River, Robinson Creek, Green Creek, Virginia Creek, Buckeye Creek, Little Walker River, Rock Creek, McGee Creek (upstream from US 395), Lee Vining Creek (From the Lee Vining conduit upstream.) No reports yet from winter anglers, but all those waters were well stocked with trophy rainbows, along with DFW trout prior to the end of the general season.
HOT CREEK—Storms last week may limit access to Hot Creek, so check with tackle shops before heading out. Look for browns to begin moving into the creek to spawn and avoid wading in the river which can destroy nesting redds. Micro midges and standard egg patterns a good bet and watch for the afternoon Trico and Blue-wing Olive hatch.
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