Offshore Lifestyle launches special edition Igloo Playmate Cooler


Offshore Lifestyle is stoked to launch a limited-edition Igloo Playmate Cooler today.  Yeww!  These coolers that have a 7-quart capacity and fit up to nine 12-ounce cans are available on today, for $40, while supplies last.

Designed to capture the stoke felt during a great day of Offshore tuna fishing, the Offshore Lifestyle Igloo Playmate Pal features Yewws and Brews artwork on the cooler’s tent-top. Yeww, is the sound of stoke – it’s a hoot yelled out when your buddy catches a big fish or surfs a great wave. When it’s time to celebrate, this cooler is ready with enough cold brews to go around.

This Playmate is a cool new addition to Offshore Lifestyle’s best-selling Yewws and Brews collection.

Offshore Lifestyle was created by a team of hardworking, hard-playing fishing fanatics who feel the reward for hard work is good times.  To keep up with Offshore Lifestyle, be sure to follow and like: Instagram Facebook

