PERSPECTIVE: CCA CAL reports strong opposition to AB 3030


Anglers are fighting mad over AB 3030’s threat to close the coast

The Coastal Conservation Association of California (CCA CAL) reports that opposition to Assembly Bill 3030 is surging as anglers, hunters and other sportsmen throughout the state learn frightening prospects of this legislation that threatens fishing access to 30 percent of the state’s coastal waters, as well as 30 percent of land areas and inland waters.

“As word has spread, the sportfishing and outdoor recreation communities have galvanized in opposition to AB 3030,” said Wayne Kotow, Executive Director of CCA CAL. “Thousands have visited the CCA CAL website and taken action by clicking on the link on the home page to send an unequivocal message to their state senators to squash this unwarranted intrusion on their right to fish.”

“Anglers are also signing the CCA CAL petition on the website to register their opposition to AB 3030,” Kotow added. “All told, this is sending a strong message to state senators and other regulators that the sportfishing community is mad as hell, and we won’t take it anymore.


”What started as an international environmental plan to restrict the use of 30 percent of all land and water is now being driven to the extreme here in California with an ocean focus on additional marine protected areas (MPAs) with AB 3030, which is racing through the state legislature.

Aside from pushing for MPAs, AB3030 has several other problems including:

  1. It does not recognize any of the state’s existing protections and management already in place. California is already a global leader in marine conservation and managed at both state and federal levels.
  2. California already has a wide network of 146 MPAs, reflecting the most restrictive marine environmental management policies in the world.
  3. Fishing closures will reduce state revenues from fishing licenses and boating fees, and in turn reduce much needed funds for scientific study and fisheries enforcement.
  4. This bill lacks clarity. It uses the term “protection” but does not specify what exactly that means. As written, it’s so vague that many other industries fear its implementation, including agriculture, the building industry, and wind farming to name a few. In addition, the bill also states that the current protections are inadequate, but fails to specify why.
  5. AB 3030 would severely restrict recreational activities at a time when more, not less, open space is necessary for the enjoyment of all Californians.
  6. The sportfishing community proposed amendments to correct the ills of AB 3030, but our suggestions have largely been rejected by the bill’s sponsors.

“The sportfishing community is not against conservation, biodiversity, or clean ecosystems,” Kotow pointed out. “We agree that there is climate change that needs to be addressed along with issues of ocean acidification, and water and air pollution. But we don’t see how this bill addresses those issues.”

To learn more about the threat of AB 3030 and ways you can help defeat this unnecessary legislation, visit today.
