Pierpoint’s Options stacks up island seabass limits

THERE'S NO CALENDAR ON THIS BOAT - Island white seabass limits on the Options out of Pierpoint Landing. What month is it again?


LONG BEACH— If tasked with betting on which sportfishing vessel will still be targeting Channel Islands white seabass and halibut while the bulk of the fleet is in rockfish mode in December, the smart money is always going to be on the Options out of Pierpoint Landing. A recent mission on the 6-pack operation showcased precisely why.

Options Captian Wes Flesch reached out to Western Outdoor News after piling up full limits of island seabass for all passengers while fishing live squid on sliding sinker rigs in shallow water. He contacted WON about an hour after this week’s issue was put to bed, so it didn’t get in, but it was still an accomplishment worth sharing, and you can count on more boats heading to the island seabass grounds in the wake of the Options this week. 

There was at least one nice ghost reported this week, but it wasn’t of the island variety. Hunter cannon and some buddies floated squid before sundown during the last full moon and proceeded to bag a 65-pound white seabass off of Hermosa Beach. A photo of that fish can be found on the Private Boater page in the current issue.
